キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 8月26日 21時55分

Lauren Keyana Palmer! My GIRL! My 'rebel' with a cause. I love you so much because you are not afraid to live your truth. That's truly why I love you, because my girl it can be so hard, esp when so many people project their ideas of you onto you. You have remained sincere in the pursuit to be only one thing and that's Y O U. I smile with pride knowing that you have never forgotten where you came from, Robbin's Illinois, population 6,000! ?? You are 24 now, woooooow *flava flav voice* continue to shine following the love of God within. Happy Birthday my angel, my star and my reason! It really means absolutely nothing though cause you're still about 15yrs old in spirit(yasssss? ). I'll always be here for you, till the lights go out and beam with eternal shine ✨


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




