メリル・デイヴィスのインスタグラム(meryledavis) - 8月27日 09時18分

Happy #nationaldogday to my little ? baby! I know it might sound silly (esp to those without pets) but words cannot express the love I have for this little ball of joy. I've wanted my own puppy for many years but still find myself amazed at the way Miss. Bilbo has enhanced our lives. I didn't totally anticipate the way a dog's love can ground you. Some of the petty things I once concerned myself with now seem to melt away when I look at her innocent little face. She wants to be loved, to be fed, and to roll in the grass until she's too tired to keep her eyes open. Life is so beautiful and this sweet little fur baby reminds me of that each day. *Apologies if this sounds nuts but hopefully most of the ppl reading this caption are #petpeople and totally get it ???


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