Thank you everyone for participating my giveaway games yesterday. It was my first time hosting live-streaming games on Instagram. I understand time lags were happening constantly between us, and most people may saw their responses came before others, but unfortunately it was inevitable due to server proximities, response times etc. As a result I just chose the first one I saw on my phone with the correct English or Chinese answer. Hope all of you can understand this technical limitation. Nevertheless I just wanna share the happiness with you all, and hope you enjoyed the live-streaming. Our team will try to improve on details going forward such as English and Mandarin translations to welcome and accommodate fans from overseas next time! :) See you very soon ? 謝謝昨晚禮物贊助的客戶們!知道我要玩giveaway都二話不說的拿了很多禮物給我?我收到的時候都哇了出來,所以才說全部都想自留? 感謝昨晚每一個人的參與,雖然第一次直播送禮物還是會有很多的失誤出現,謝謝你們的理解和體諒?? 希望你們都和我一樣玩的開心,對於直播時留言不能同步的問題,我也很無奈. 後來發現,如果很多人在同一時間留言,大家在自己的電話上都會最先看到自己的留言,我是選擇了在我的電話上第一個看到的正確答案,就直接報出了你的ID. 希望大家這次即使沒有拿到禮物也不要不開心,我決定以後多做一些直播,和你們多聊聊天,多玩玩遊戲,禮物嘛~大把機會? . #最緊要好玩 #500kgiveaway #thankyouforparticipating@#feelingblessed

misselvaniさん(@misselvani)が投稿した動画 -

Elva Niのインスタグラム(misselvani) - 8月28日 12時31分

Thank you everyone for participating my giveaway games yesterday. It was my first time hosting live-streaming games on Instagram. I understand time lags were happening constantly between us, and most people may saw their responses came before others, but unfortunately it was inevitable due to server proximities, response times etc. As a result I just chose the first one I saw on my phone with the correct English or Chinese answer. Hope all of you can understand this technical limitation. Nevertheless I just wanna share the happiness with you all, and hope you enjoyed the live-streaming. Our team will try to improve on details going forward such as English and Mandarin translations to welcome and accommodate fans from overseas next time! :) See you very soon ?
感謝昨晚每一個人的參與,雖然第一次直播送禮物還是會有很多的失誤出現,謝謝你們的理解和體諒?? 希望你們都和我一樣玩的開心,對於直播時留言不能同步的問題,我也很無奈. 後來發現,如果很多人在同一時間留言,大家在自己的電話上都會最先看到自己的留言,我是選擇了在我的電話上第一個看到的正確答案,就直接報出了你的ID. 希望大家這次即使沒有拿到禮物也不要不開心,我決定以後多做一些直播,和你們多聊聊天,多玩玩遊戲,禮物嘛~大把機會? . #最緊要好玩 #500kgiveaway


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