チャド・マイケル・マーレイのインスタグラム(chadmichaelmurray) - 8月29日 13時00分

A few years back a woman walked into my life. After seeing the beauty, inside and out, of this gorgeous creature I realized what I'd always been looking for all these years. HER! Seeing her actions day to day & the heart she possesses made me want to be a better man every minute of my life just so I felt like I deserved to be in her presence. (Still a work in progress?) Now, Here we are celebrating our 4th set of birthdays together, 2 incredible kids later and I couldn't be more honored and proud to be her husband. Happy Birthday Mrs. Murray. @rooeemer I love you dearly. Back scratch coming ur way? #HappyBirthday #Wife #Family


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



