ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 8月30日 00時17分

When and why did I decide to take a step back from fashion shows? I wrote this piece for @instylemagazine to share my personal journey about fitting in and choosing the path that feels true to me. -

When I sent it to @laurabrown99 , my friend and the genius behind the new InStyle magazine, she said "It's such a lovely and important message for the girls who mythologize all of this. You know??" Though I'm probably part of the ones that helped mythologize all of this, it took me a while to accept and understand, and even more time to be ready to share it. -

Have a read (link in bio!!!) and come back to tell me what you think, I would love to hear your opinions and chat with you! (It's kind of funny that my @lennyletter and my @instylemagazine piece came out at the same time. Was not planned at all, all this "revelations", just happened that way, right around the eclipse (for all the woo woos like me out there ?)) -

All right, thank you Laura and the team at InStyle for reaching out and vive la mode!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




