タヴィ・ゲヴィンソンのインスタグラム(tavitulle) - 9月2日 03時30分

"[...] as if thrown by a paintbrush, a huge pear-shaped blob of the purest indigo appeared on the wall. It again had the sort of luminous quality. I leant towards it in a sort of ecstasy. I thought, 'This is the color of heaven.' Or, 'This is the color which Giotto tried to get all his life but never could.' I thought, 'Maybe this is not a color which actually exists on the earth, or maybe it used to exist and no longer exists,' and all of this went through my mind in four or five seconds, and then the blob disappeared, giving me a strong sense of loss and heartbrokenness. And I was haunted a little bit, when I came down, wondering whether indigo did exist in the real world."
This bit from an Oliver Sacks interview comes into my mind a lot. It's about hallucinogens but I used it last year in the Infinity Diaries on @rookiemag for talking about live performance and loves that don't last. A few days ago we went to the Scrovegni Chapel and saw Giotto's blue attempt. His depiction of Heaven.


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