フィンクのインスタグラム(finkmusic) - 9月7日 01時30分

Our new album #Resurgam is out September 15, and we hit the road in Europe the very next day... which means the return of our Instagram ticket competition. We loved this as much as you guys on the last tour, and seeing the winners shots kinda became a daily backstage ritual.

Playing in different cities and countries is great, but we rarely get any time to explore. So we want to see a photo of something you like in your town. The more unusual, the better: a favourite beauty spot, an interesting bar or cafe, a statue or some street art, a cool record or music shop, a view that you love to see, a park where you hang out, or something completely unexpected - whatever you think we might enjoy. Extra points will be given if you manage to get the word Fink in there, but this isn't compulsory!
We're giving away a pair of tickets for every show on the tour, so please get Instagramming.

All you need to do is:
Post your photo on Instagram, tagging FINK.
In the caption, add the hashtag #Finkin followed by the city you’d like to see us play. Eg #FinkinParis, #FinkinBerlin...
If you don't already, please follow Fink on Instagram. This means we can easily send you a message, if you've won.

The day before the show, we'll select the winner.
We're looking forward to seeing your pictures!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



