Kids Are the Worstのインスタグラム(kidsaretheworst) - 9月7日 02時15分

My heart has been overwhelmed and full these last few weeks with seeing so much disaster, pain, suffering, need, confusion, and hurt. There are countless ways to help our fellow man, woman, and child.
Some of us can do a lot and some of us can do a little to help.
The trick is to do something.
That may be donating $1 to charity or driving a truckload of goods to help. It may be to smile at everyone you see today or to give your kids an extra hug tonight. Perhaps you are able to give aid and shelter to those who are now without, or maybe you can send a package of goods to someone who needs.
Sometimes, in the middle of disaster and confusion, I can feel so small and my contribution seems so worthless. But I know it's not. I know that every day I choose whether or not I find the light, am the light, or give my light. I just have to pause and decide to help.
Our thoughts and hopes are with Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Washington, Oregon, Montana, and more.
Today, I am going to take those feelings of concern and heartbreak and turn them into more action. A few more pauses in my day to help lift a few more humans.
And never fear, next post will be a return to the light and levity of this account in hopes that we can all find moments to laugh. Because laughing together is always better than crying alone. ✌️?


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