アンドレイ・ペジックのインスタグラム(andrejapejic) - 9月12日 02時08分

A lot of you have written to me, mostly in good spirit and with care, wondering why as of recently I don't do more high fashion shows and I feel this is a good time to address that. Firstly I'd like to think I've worked hard and built up a pretty good resume of work in this industry so I am not inclined to accept every job that comes along. Secondly and more importantly, if I'm being honest about where we stand right now, the truth is that if a girl chooses to be open about her "transness" she will face a reality in the modeling industry where she is too easily stamped with the label of "other" and placed into a separate and rather confined box, which in the context of high fashion is rarely opened. This is part of reality EVEN if you've reached a certain level, EVEN if you posses the right skills/traditional standards of "model beauty" but obviously in differing degrees. Prabal Gurung however is one of those designers that understands the importance of opening this box at this time and place. Of course F the labels and F their cardboard. At the end of the day these are small hurdles in comparison to what most of us gals have had to over come in order to just BE. Long story short thank you @プラバルグルン for giving this girl a chance to strut *spirit fingers
Also love to @alexwhiteedits for the styling,
@diane.kendal for the beat and @anthonyturnerhair for the hair #AndrejaDoc

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