タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月16日 05時59分

You've all heard the saying, I'm out here on my grind trying to build an empire..... Please allow me to update this old myth - Building an empire isn't just #Building- it actually starts in your MIND, then you do the work and research and become masterful at your craft..... You have to become a specialist where as you look to the left or right you realize that NO one can specifically do what it it that you do...... the empire gets designed and BUILT in your mind... You start walking and moving in that direction and God will order your footsteps and reveal the rest to you along the way....... #VoltronEnterprises #Marriage #Family #Wisdom too good to keep it to myself....... #ChairmanCEO #SavageLevelsOfImplememtationOfTheVision
#VoltronRrcordz #VoltronMedia #VoltronStudios #MachVGlobalCharter
You can't open new DOORS with old keys... here's your new key - >> #VoltronTravel.com


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