unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 9月17日 06時10分

When we met almost two years ago in #Serbia, I’d asked Sajad what he dreamt of doing when he grew up. "I don’t have any hope, I was born without hope.” He snapped back. The question had upset him, and while we laugh about it today, I still regret it.
In a few months, #Vienna had begun to influence his outlook. He saw other people in wheelchairs, moving about alone, and capable of things he didn’t know were possible. "It’s still hard to dream, I don’t know what I can be yet…” he said one day, “when I do have a dream though, I’ll tell you on Facebook.” I never got that Facebook message - instead I saw him last week in person. After an eleven month initial waiting period he had been accepted into a school where he has spent the last year among other special needs children. He learns German, reading and writing, mathematics, even archery.
Most importantly though, Sajad has learnt to dream. He wants to become a chef – pizza is one of his favourite meals. He is desperate to travel, and after falling in love with Japanese culture through Anime cartoons, Tokyo will be his first destination. But these are just two of many dreams he has. "There are so many options in front of me now, it’s not like before.” Sajad says. "I want to be with the Austrian people. I want to have a life like others.” (4/4 of @ashgilbertson’s #InstagramTakeover) © #UNICEF/UN0121692/Gilbertson VII Photo


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