姫沢のインスタグラム(himezawa) - 9月19日 05時14分

I don't really care about being relatable or liked by everyone. There are more important things to care about than yearning for peoples apprecciation or fighting gossip. In the end I don't want to waste my time on what he said she said five years ago or so. That's why people love rumors so much. It's always "he said she said", no concrete evidence or facts for or against it. People like to believe dramatic statements, interesting stories, they don't care if it's made up or not. Sensationalism is sweeter than the dry taste of real life, why else are gossip magazines such a cash machine?! To each their own, but I'd rather take my escapism with a grain of salt. #lolitamodel #youtubejapan #himezawa #gothicgirl #wego #devilinspired #model #singer #シンガー #シンガーソングライター #姫沢サブリナ #姫沢 #ゴスロリ #ゴシック


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