ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 9月21日 14時46分

#wcw I am humbled to stand with these women. To meet @gloriasteinem was more than a dream come true. Their truth, loving in action, the relentless vision... Staggering and breathtaking. Yes, I included this incredible man @iamderay - A force to be reckoned with and a fearless leader of @blacklivesmatter@elainewelteroth Editor-In- Chief of @Teen Vogue who is reshaping journalism for all and shedding light on that which TRULY matters ✨ @cleowade purely poetry in motion. If anyone tells you you are "difficult" (heard that today) because you stand up in your strength, knowing that which is radically unbalanced needs, your weight... If anyone says you're a "b*tch" or "crazy" (hear that often) those who attempt to silence and threaten you into submission; know we all continue to fight everyday. Together we will manifest the existence for all where radical grace of equality, justice, and simple human decency is as easy as breathing in and out. ✨ My dear friend @プラバルグルン thank you for your exquisite soul. ✨


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