ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 9月23日 17時36分

This tree is so fascinating to me because it doesn't flower during the first decade of it's life cycle. It must achieve a maturity before flowering. Once it has flowered the plant then stems off in a new direction. It can't change direction till it has flowered and can't flower til it has matured. Like us? Maybe we put too much pressure on ourselves to flower too early. Maybe we should give ourselves more time & less pressure to get it right and figure it out. Maybe we're a really cool, badass strong, interesting tree even before fully flowering whilst we learn & grow. "The flower essence of the Joshua tree gives a remarkable strength to the soul to turn toward its future. The expression of individuality within the soul, is always a process of coming to be, involving a dynamic of turning from the past, in order to achieve a new orientation" Here's me jumping off a Joshua Tree 3 months ago, turning from the past & jumping into the new unknown future. Scary but necessary. Aka 'Let if go' Frozen, 'How far I'll Go' Moana, 'Reflections' Mulan, 'Walk through the fire' Once more with feeling. Ya get me? Here's to jumping into the unknown ?Photo credit @thelittleghost


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