ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月26日 07時23分

Over its 3 decades, the Muslim Day Parade’s political resonance in New York City has been in constant flux. The parade was founded as a means for Muslim New Yorkers to assert their place in this city, said Imam Ali, the president of the Muslim Foundation of America. “This is a city of parades,” he said. “We felt we must express ourselves as an integral part of the city.” But in 2001, the parade was canceled after the September 11 attacks; in 2002, it marched on, but the crowds were thin. Yesterday, amid a tense national climate, the #MuslimDayParade became something of a solidarity march. For the first time, it had as its grand marshal a #rabbi: Marc Schneier, the president of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, a group that works to bridge divides both religious and secular. “Anti-Semitism is not his fight alone; it is mine, too,” Imam Shamsi Ali, one of the parade’s founders, said of the rabbi. “Islamophobia is not my fight alone; it is his, too. We must fight for one another.” Visit the link in our profile to read more, and to see more photos by @markabramsonphoto.


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