コモンのインスタグラム(common) - 9月26日 10時40分

60 years ago today, the courageous #LittleRockNine broke the racial segregation barrier in school and made history in 1957. Thank you to the Little Rock Nine for their heroic stand against white supremacy and hate 60 years ago. They became a lasting symbol of the Civil Rights Movement and a real sign of progress towards equality in America. But we must never forget the overwhelming hate and prejudice that the Little Rock Nine faced simply because they wanted an education. The images of White mobs humiliating and harassing these Black children on their way to school are heartbreaking. While we celebrate the Little Rock Nine, we also must acknowledge the reality of education in America in 2017. Segregation in #America is alive and well and deep education inequality persists throughout this nation. Want to learn more about this? Watch @Ava's latest project with @ArrayNow: @TeachUsAllFilm.


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