ジェイソン・ポールのインスタグラム(thejasonpaul) - 10月1日 03時15分

when you wake up to 300k followers ? thank you for taking time out of your day to see what I’m up to ?? Excited to take my life to some weird places and share it? Quick roundup of what’s going on, if you are new:

I started Parkour 12 years ago. Thanks to an obsessive personality, fortunate timing and a good portion of luck I was able to make a living doing it by the time I finished school. Now I live a minimal life out of my suitcase. I try to learn something every day and spend my time building a good crew and clothing brand with my friends @teamfarang ?? My newest obsession is documenting this journey on my YouTube-Channel ? I kind of just want my life to be an anime, let’s not take anything too serious, but also try to rule the world. hi to all of you ???

? by @ediphotoeye


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