タイラー・ペリーのインスタグラム(tylerperry) - 10月1日 03時25分

I've heard you Mayor Cruz.... If I had the military and the rest of the United States at my command I would have C130s full of electrical equipment and utility workers from the mainland on the ground restoring power. I would have helicopters dropping food and water in remote areas that are cut off by washed away roads. I would have the troops driving and delivering food and water and opening those 10 thousand containers that are filled with life saving items. I would have generators flown in to run the banks and the drug stores and the gas stations. I would use my voice and influence to call for calm and to comfort the people of Puerto Rico which is a US territory. But I'm not in command. I’m one man but I see and feel your pain. You’re not only in my prayers, you're in my actions. I'm sending relief and as much help as I can. My prayers and heart are with you. Please join me in helping Puerto Rico.


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