ニコール・ ポリッツィのインスタグラム(snooki) - 10月3日 22時49分

YO MAWMAS! Follow my Facebook Mama Page just for us ? link in my story!! Doing a give away at the end of the week to a follower! here’s my intro ??????
Welcome to the place where us mommy’s can WINE DOWN & be unfiltered. Vent, Laugh, & tell motherhood like it REALLY is. Pour yourself a glass & come hang.

Ever since I've become a mom back in 2012, I've always had the urge to start a page dedicated to moms for us to share the happiness AND struggles of motherhood. It's a chaotic, amazing, exhausting, challenging, and rewarding roller coaster ride that has changed my life for the better!

I'm all about women empowerment - so please feel free to post your own businesses - Especially if you sell Mom goodies! I love a woman who hustles!! There's really no rules when it comes to this page, because who follows rules anyway. But, I will NOT TOLERATE MOM SHAMERS. I cannot stand when moms try to put down other moms for their decisions in life. If there is any type of mom shamming or bullying, you will be blocked keyboard warrior.
So relax, pour yourself a glass of wine & let's talk shit! - Nicole aka Mama Bear to Lorenzo & Giovanna (my crazy bi polar, drives me insane but I love them Nuggets)

Link: https://m.facebook.com/momswinedown/

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