アリミ・バラードのインスタグラム(alimiballard) - 10月6日 08時14分

Reason #427 of why we Adore you ✨?✨ #OneFamily#Repost @ベサニー・ジョイ・レンツ・Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quote from the Civil Rights Museum today while visiting #Memphis
I know too many white moderates more concerned with order, structure and propriety than they are with the actual problems. It's not enough to see the problem but feel too overwhelmed by its "bigness" to attempt contributing to a solution. It's not enough. Write letters, make phone calls, stand up against injustice, take a knee, be loud, be obstinate in standing up for your brother and sisters who are still treated as less-than by so many. You, white moderate, STOP SITTING STILL and saying "it's not my problem".
#standupforsomething #civilrights #mlk #marshall @marshallmovie


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