Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 10月10日 23時20分

I am sitting here, waiting. Any moment now the postman should ring, and will deliver me my new oven. (Keeping my fingers crossed against the mishaps of the Italian postal service). I have been dreaming about what to bake first. A cake, naturally? Or a basta bake? Should I toast a trey of veggies, with carrots, beets, squash and garlic? Should I braise apples or quinces? Or should I inaugurate the oven ceremoniously, with a proper dough for pizza and a loaf of bread? It's not Autumn without some proper baking! ?????
I think I might try and do a couple of these things contemporarily. It's an electric counter oven, and I assume it consumes a lot of energy. Any tips for efficiency and avoiding the waist of energy?
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