ウィロー・スミスのインスタグラム(willowsmith) - 10月15日 14時44分

At the end of the day nothing else matters except connection and communication in all forms // Every single one of us is infinitely deserving of all the love in this world // The logistical aspects of expressing yourself are only tools to help the connection and communication be more potent // I have realized that I have to get out of my head and shed this idea that the only way I can be deserving of so many blessings and resources to inspire others is through the acquisition of virtuosic skill and intellect in order to reach a certain level of inner peace that only begets the reformation of toxic paradigms // Therefore giving back the blessing to the world // Thank you to all the human souls holding space to just relish in the beauty of EXISTENCE // photo by <@adiadinayev>


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




