マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 10月16日 01時27分

I don't think it's hit me yet I'm leaving for the Galapagos in a couple days. That is where the journey began for me 10 years ago. I went down there so naive and learned things that are happening to our planet that blew me away. I've never been the same since. I'm so thrilled to go back as it is the best place to dive in the World hands down. Scientist we are joining up with are so jazzed to go document this amazing bird that has never been filmed and was just discovered that does something so freaking cool, I can't tell you but I'll show you here in a couple weeks. 2 weeks at sea here we come. #RSAVR #IWCDIVER #ChangeYourPerception


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Aria Alexanderのインスタグラム
Aria Alexanderさんがフォロー
