モニーク・コールマンのインスタグラム(_moniquecoleman) - 10月19日 21時03分

Last night, it was a privilege & honor to be amongst some of the greatest thought leaders & champions for humanity of our time! People who are leading action towards the achievement of @theglobalgoals (many of whom helped to draft them) They are my heros & sheros! Decades of devoted service, action, & leadership. ?Thank you @asherinian @akdn for inviting me & for constantly reaffirming my purpose ♥️✨ @unfoundation @girlupcampaign @shesthefirst @tammytibbetts I'm SO blessed to call you my family!! Together we achieve the impossible! #girlseducation #genderequality #pluralism #globalgoals #sdgs #purpose .
Thank you @petercohen7 @heidi_petercohen @valaninyc @dayabyzendaya @akikoam @jesusegonzalez18 for glamming me up ?✨??


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