Jessica Nigriのインスタグラム(jessicanigri) - 10月30日 17時51分

Appreciation post incoming:
I'm sitting in bed and I've just been thinking what an insanely crazy life I've lived these past 8 years. I just want to take a lil time to sit and just thank you. Thank you so much for changing my life. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for following what I do. Thank you for taking time out of your day to comment on my pictures. Thank you to those who come up and say hi to me. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to spend on me. You choose to spend your time on me and I honestly cannot thank you enough for giving me that time. I am absolutely nothing without all of you and throughout all the stress and angst I think of our little interactions and it gets me through anything. You are the reason I am even where I am and I honestly owe you everything. Thank you so much. I know I'm gushing but I never want anyone to think I take you for granted. I appreciate the ever loving fuck out of you guys and what you have done for me. So. Just. Thank you. I love you. And I'll do the best that this lil Jess can. Even if it's not amazing or fantastic, I'll still try for you. Thank you for this amazing life. I... yeah. Sorry haha I didn't mean to ramble okayiloveyoubye


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