カーハートのインスタグラム(carhartt) - 10月31日 08時22分

Going into this project, Gen and I had hoped to get some special insights into the meaning and lessons of hard work. Now after having met these incredible men and women, we realize we totally underestimated how different our perspective of life and the world is from these one-hundred-and-somethings. For people like John, a good work ethic wasn’t a matter of maintaining a social standing or doing good by his family, it was more a matter of personal survival and the only path to a hot meal and a roof over his head after a long day. Gen asked John if he enjoyed his hard work in the fields. His response - “It wasn’t a question whether I enjoyed it. I had to do it, I did it.” And that was pretty much it. That’s the essence of what every centenarian shared with us - "We just had to do it, we didn’t know any different." ?@elliotstudio #outworkthemall


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