ペイジー・クラッセンのインスタグラム(paigeclaassen) - 11月3日 22時17分

Moments before I realized all the holes I had so proudly drilled were supposed to be 10mm, not 8mm. And also that a masonry bit isn't the same as a wood bit. Needless to say, this project went about the same as most of my home projects - starting with lots of determination and a need to get things done RIGHT NOW, continuing through with perseverance as I realize this isn't the best way but I'm already committed, and ending in frustration when I have to go back to square one and just do it the right way from the start. Oh well. Moon board will soon be up for 2 months of training while we pack grapes in Namibia! @lasportivana
Photo by @sw4rtk4t


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