ミーガン・ピュレリのインスタグラム(meganpuleri) - 11月4日 06時14分

WOAH ?! Never in my life did I think I would have 5️⃣0️⃣K people following this journey of mine?!?!?! I feel so blessed to get all of the support I do from not only the people in my hometown of New Albany, Ohio.. but all the way to Tokyo and Sydney?! When I was growing up I couldn't even imagine leaving Ohio let alone the country.
I will never be able to put into words how lucky I feel to have had the opportunity to take on a modeling career. To those in the industry- you know. To those who aren't- modeling is more than what meets the eye. I truly believe that I owe how much I've grown as a human over the past few years to this career. All of the travel and different experiences that were once so intimidating to me, I now crave. And while still staying present, I yearn for the next trip, or opportunity for a humbling and/or maturing experience. And I have had plenty of these, positive and negative of course, but experiences that have morphed me into the person I am today. I wouldn't have been able to have these opportunities if not for this path I have chosen.
So I want to thank the people who have taught what I know today about the industry and been major sounding boards in my career thus far, thank you all for helping me along the way @ivanmbart @lisadiruocco @ed_razek @davidcunningham @kimbercapriotti @laura_hardesty
@lydiabrock @kristenristen


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