クリスシー・コスタンザのインスタグラム(chrissycostanza) - 11月5日 19時51分

Yesterday was a legendary experience. i started playing league 5 years ago. i made so many friends across the globe through the game, most of whom i’ve never even met, and felt that even when i was just starting out and total shit at the game that i was part of this family. Riot Games solidified that for me this week, making me feel like this massive community is more family than anything else, even when we’re competing against each other. Everyone at Riot was incredible to work with, and i can’t thank them enough for the support and love they gave us throughout this whole experience.
On the other hand, i couldn’t be more grateful to our own home team for pulling this one out. @mikeferri @lloydswilliams @jesseffp @omgzitsjordan all kicked ass this week, and an honorable mention to @roonaani who even though wasn’t in China with us, has been one of the most important member of our family for the last few years.
Thank you Veranda, Bob, Seb and Alex especially for believing in us to be the right band to take on this monstrosity this year.
So much love.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




