リンジー・ペラスのインスタグラム(lindseypelas) - 11月6日 10時34分

I came on my roof to do a little yoga and some guy was staring at me yelling “baby.” I thought to myself… how dare this motherfuc*er “baby” me while I’m out here trying to zen myself. LOL Even though he was looking completely at me, it turned out there was an actual baby up there somewhere. I was so ready to let him know whats up. 👊🏼👋🏼🖕🏽😂
Truth is I’m a little irritable today. Everything and everyone are pissing me off. Even Tosh (my pup) found and ate a Ferrero Rocher today. So now he’s on my 💩list too. (Literally) .
It’s completely normal for men and women to have irritable days. The trick is: recognizing it.  The only job you really have when you’re irritated is to not take it out on people who don't deserve it. Do a little yoga, take a stroll, eat all the Ferrero Rochers before your sneaky little dog does. 🐶😩😭
Yoga is one of my favorite things to do on an active recovery (and bad mood) day. On a non-training day I like to sip my 1stPhorm BCAA throughout the day. Increases recovery ✔️ promotes protein synthesis ✔️ supports muscle growth ✔️ Tomorrow I'll wake up in a better mood and ready to get to it 👊🏼 (but plz pray for Tosh bc that situation is still to be determined lol) 😭 #1stphorm check out the MANY delish BCAA flavors at 1stPhorm.com 👅


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