デブラ・メッシングのインスタグラム(therealdebramessing) - 11月7日 02時44分

Anyone can get a devastating diagnosis tomorrow, which is why we must demand that our health care is preserved. For many, this is a matter of life and death. Like Sophia Weaver. She is 9 and has already gone through 22 surgeries and suffers from several life threatening conditions that have robbed her of her independence and ability to walk and talk. There are many like Sophia, who do not have a voice, which is why we must use our voices to protect the most vulnerable. Please join the fight to protect health care for millions. Be a #HealthCareVoter and commit to holding Congress accountable for their efforts to repeal and sabotage the Affordable Care Act. They are doing everything they can to deny access to millions and cause the collapse of the individual health insurance market. Congress works for US, the taxpayers. If they wont work FOR us we must vote in people who will. The 2018 midterm elections are 1 year from today. Let’s demand a change with our votes. #Healthcare4All #Vote


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