カイリー・バーゾサのインスタグラム(kylieverzosa) - 11月8日 21時27分

Day 13, Tokyo:
The girls and I have been waking up at 5-7am everyday to get to the activities on time. Our days are packed and we always finish late at night. Even so, we try to be the best we can be, with little to no sleep. Not only is it a physical test, but a mental and emotional struggle as well. We're thankful for all the comments we get social media, may they be good or bad. They push us to be better. Every day is a battle and a balancing act. Kudos to the girls for making it this far. Hang in there! (To me too! ?) A few more days left! ? Who will be the next queen? #missinternational2017


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