タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 11月12日 01時36分

The answer is yes. The day after Twitter verified the Nazi loving Jason Kessler, they locked my account for posting the public business address of a lawyer who is a violent white supremacist, a proud boy, which is an organization Jason Kessler was a member of while he organized the Charlottesville march where Heather Heyer was killed. This lawyer made many threats, killed ppl nigger and autistic faggot. It seems @Twitter is more interested in protecting the reputations of violent white supremacists and supporting those these white supremacists love and follow. Twitter has now halted their verification process. I guess if white supremacists like Jason Kessler can't be verified, nobody gets to be. Somebody send this IG post to @jack hey jack you and I spoke about this. Your verification process ain't broken your employees are. They are not trained to recognize racist dog whistles and they haven't studied enough critical race theory or sociology to understand the way marginalized people are abused by the white supremacists twitter insists on coddling in the name of a flawed idea of what fairness is. Your people need training.


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