リー・アン・ピノックのインスタグラム(leigh_love_life) - 11月13日 04時00分

THANK YOU SO MUCH to all the #mixerrct entries we appreciate every single one of you and your undeniable talent ?

#MIXERGRP RECRUIT (1) WINNERS!! so we have selected 10 editors to join the mixergrp, they are:
@fckingjerrie, @witchiewooo, @illusionary_edits, @royals.aep @wonthirlful, @stolencofffee @yougottanot @sinfulperrie @godrewlincoln @h.xme - Congratulations to all of the above ??? and thank you to every single editor that entered an edit or more into this. We started with 21 choices but had to cut it down to 10 it wasn’t easy and that’s why we will be doing more recruits in the future for the #mixergrp - Our next recruit will be in January and we hope to see all of you enter again and also hope to see new editors in the future. Thank you all ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




