ハワイアン航空のインスタグラム(hawaiianairlines) - 11月13日 05時10分

Yesterday we celebrated our 88th anniversary with a few friends at a dedication ceremony for the new Charles I. Elliott Maintenance and Cargo Facility, named in honor of the man who piloted our maiden flight from Honolulu to Hilo on Nov. 11, 1929. In addition, we enshrined “HAL,” a Hawaiian Airlines Time Capsule, beneath a stairwell in the new facility. A miniaturized reproduction of an LD3 cargo container, HAL was imagined by our Archivist, Capt. Rick Rogers and encases historical documents, publications, plaques and awards, posters and photographs along with a complete digital copy of our archives, including approximately 100 oral history interviews gathered over the past few years.


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