ポール・ロビンソンのインスタグラム(paulrobinson87) - 11月14日 02時52分

After discovering that Bügeleisen was not going to be dry for the remainder of my trip to maltatal, I set my sights on making the 2nd ascent of @イェルネイ・クルーダー ‘s line, “Hide and Sick” V14 (8B+). I quickly discovered that I was unable to do the finish sequence the same as him because I could not reach the finishing jug. Thankfully I was able to figure out a different sequence that made the top feasible for me albeit very tough! It all came down to the last try on the last day of the trip! I was starting to feel tired and I knew I only had a finite number of tries left so each try I fought as hard as I could. Thankfully, I got a bit lucky and managed to send the boulder for its 2nd ascent! I am very happy to have climbed this before leaving Austria. Unfortunately, the weather did not allow for me to do the sit to Bügeleisen this trip... but I will be back!! Thanks for the photo: @punkaca #bouldering


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