ダニカ・パトリックのインスタグラム(danicapatrick) - 11月19日 23時09分

I am not sad today. I am excited. It wouldn’t be hard to get me sad, but I also believe in the great power of positive thinking. Ask the world for what you want, not what you don’t want. I walk forward with gratefulness for what has happened in my life to this point. And I thank all the people that helped me get here, and the list is wide and deep. Sometimes I have to ask myself, is this real life?! Because it’s so amazing.
So my friends when you see me, smile! Don’t be sad, because I choose not to be. I believe what’s next is exactly what I dream it up to be......after all, what has happened already was just that.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



