Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 11月22日 20時30分

Still dreaming of this edible heaven, presented in the form of ribbons of roasted pepper, stuffed with herbs (and something else, bread maybe?!) and drizzled in minty agrodolce syrup! If you think flavors and perfumes of this dish make it sound very Persian, well you’re not alone. However, incredibly enough, it was one of the delicacies we had at @masseriapotenti in Puglia during #ThePugliaEncounter workshop. It’s amazing when the borders between Middle Eastern and Mediterranean food are invisible.
I do miss Puglia, and this dish, and all the rest of food. Hope lovely Maria Grazie would share her recipe with me! ??
#FlavorsAndEncounters #LabNoonFood


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