サマンサ・ドロークのインスタグラム(samanthadroke) - 11月23日 01時58分

This morning I woke up to my puppy like I do every morning and I say, “Good morning bubba!” And he will come out from under the covers and stretch and then some how find himself laying on my chest. I give him a good rub down and he will most likely try to kiss me back. He is such a little lover! He loves to give kisses! Normally I don’t let him kiss my face cause his breath is awful ? but this morning I just let him. Because I realized he loves to love. He gets so much fulfillment out of just licking my face!...you’re probably wondering what’s the point!? Well I’ve noticed in the past when he has gone to kiss me I push him away and he feels rejected and a little piece of me feels like I missed an opportunity. But this morning when I fully embraced his kisses and loved him back he kept kissing me harder. Almost aggressively! He didn’t want to stop haha...it made me laugh and love him even more! It set the tone for my whole day ? I feel it is the same with God. He just wants to love us! The more we embrace His love the more whole we become. The more we lean in to His “kisses” the more He wants to bless us! So don’t miss an opportunity to be loved by God, He’s just waiting to give you so many “kisses” blessings! ?????


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



