ブルック・バトラーのインスタグラム(brookieserene) - 11月24日 18時09分

If there's one thing I wish it's for kindness to be a bigger trophy to strive for than any other. Please stay soft, stay sweet, stay kind in a world that will tempt you otherwise. That's true courage. True greatness is when someone remembers you as kind. Smile at everyone you meet. You could change someone's day...heck, maybe even life! Look for love in the simplicities of your every day. Keep a soft heart. Do not let the world turn you hard. Keep looking for love, it's all around you. Love is in a good cup of coffee, a simple thank you, taking the time to make someone's else's day better. Trust me...you'll gain more than you could ever know. Simple hellos to people can put a smile on my face for an entire day. Relish in gentleness, in kind, in love. Take care of others. Kindness...it's our most powerful weapon in a world that needs us to fight. So be great, by being kind.


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