レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 11月29日 08時25分

#Regram #RG @wwf:
?Image by @EverydayExtinction contributor @adriansteirn There hasn’t been a more dangerous time to be a pangolin (Pholidota). The species has become the most trafficked mammal in the world. They are illegally traded for their scales, as bush meat or for medicinal purposes. But the threat of their extinction rarely makes news. An organisation in Zimbabwe aims to change this by educating the public about an animal many may not know even exists. Enabled by the @TikkiHywoodTrust, a group of men dedicate their lives to rehabilitating captured pangolins. They are entrusted with caring for animals that have endured major stress, often having been transported many kilometres bound in a sack, starved and dehydrated. Eight species of pangolin exist, four Asian and four African, all appear on the IUCN Red List, ranging from endangered, to critically endangered and vulnerable, all eight of the species' populations are decreasing. With the depletion of the Asian populations, poachers have redirected their efforts to Africa. For more information or to assist visit: http://www.tikkihywoodtrust.org/ #EverydayExtinction #Conservation #Biodiversity #Pangolin #Scales #Africa #Asia #Zimbabwe #Poaching #Extinction #Trafficking #Endangered


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