クリス・ウェビーのインスタグラム(chriswebby) - 11月29日 14時05分

Whether you knew it or not, you were all helping me choose the songs for my new project #Wednesday throughout the year. Judging on your comments, streaming analytics, and my own personal thoughts here and there, I created the tracklist for the newest installment in my lengthy discography. There are some exclusive bonus songs on there too!

I have been working double time and, to be completely honest, stretching myself rather thin financially in order to provide you with this constant content every week.. all I ask in return is that you go on iTunes and preorder this project. Plus it’s only $7.99. As an independent artist, my future rests in the hands of my listeners. If this project does well, I’ll be able to do even doper shit next year. I have no financial backing, no major label.. Just you guys. Hold me down, please and thank you. Happy #WebbyWednesday (preorder link in bio) ??


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



