アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 11月29日 21時45分

This is Pio. A little dreamer very close to my heart. At the age of 5 he has been through so much yet he remains strong and never loses hope. He dreams of becoming an astronaut, an engineer and a teacher. Oh and he loves to paint! His fascination about planets and the universe translates in his art! ( I own two of masterpieces already) He's conquered so much at a young age - countless MRI's, Chemotherapies, battling a rare disease called Chordoma and yet he continues to have faith and to DREAM BIG! Pio and his brave and beautiful mama @gemrora are truly an inspiration to all. These two beautiful souls will have my support, love and prayers 100% of the way! Big hugs to you both! Watch the rest of his inspiring story over at @xeleblive @dreammachineph #DreamMachinePH #AchievingDreamsTogether


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