クエストラブのインスタグラム(questlove) - 12月1日 15時30分

Similar to the Grammy rant we saw #Qtip engage in this week. MJ got snubbed in the important categories. He got 2 Soul categories trophies and felt defeated. He would not be denied. The act of getback was on his mind. He would ensure that this will NEVER HAPPEN again on his watch. Whether you dug it or not you will acknowledge his presence. I believe THIS is the snub that put him into an insatiable tail chasing spin that would effect him the remaining 27 years of his life. everything had to be done to the hilt. To a LARGER THAN LIFE LEVEL. No one saw a 40 million seller coming down the pike. Knowing what I know now...I’m not so sure that it should have.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




