ダニエル・オハラのインスタグラム(missdlloyd) - 12月8日 03時35分

Anna Kennedy OBE is proud to be Patron and Ambassador of #UKCharityWeek which kicks off tomorrow 4 - 10 December.
The founder Lee Rayment and Anna Kennedy OBE urge the nation to stay kind and get behind their favourite charities.
Speaking ahead of the 2017 campaign Lee Rayment said; "This week is a great opportunity to knock hate down a peg or two, and spread the love and work of good people."
Anna shares ' Smaller charities are a lifeline to many familes and the backbone of our society. Many charities are struggling to keep afloat and need our support .
Smaller charities can connect with people in a way their larger counterparts cannot' @annakennedyobe


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