パメラ・アンダーソンのインスタグラム(pamelaanderson) - 12月12日 21時02分


Hef elevated the girlie mag from the gutter made it intelligent and sophisticated.
Men who were worldly and appreciated the art of romance and sex- Men who didn't abuse women - Hef was not part of that mentality at all, in fact he was opposite and a lover of the woman in all her capacities -not as objects -
as mates-
He gave countless careers to young women and the playboy gentleman was taught to court a sophisticated woman -not oppress her -
but to be her equal
Style was a feminine ideal
until Hef made dressing well for women important -and jazz - and gave Aretha Franklin one of her first tv appearances - Everyone was equally appreciated and abuse of any degree wasn't tolerated at the mansion-
It was the sexual liberation of women/men and the social cultural education for men to be able to attract these new smart worldly educated women . Hef taught men how to attract the modern powerful female- #feminism
#playboy #hefner #truth #sex #chivalry #men


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