Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月16日 01時27分

More #Winning
Introducing Magic. She was rescued by @profepa_mx from a miserable life. She arrived this morning with us and soon she’ll have a boyfriend and a beautiful habitat to enjoy the rest of her days with us. If you can, give @profepa_mx a follow, they work super hard. While some of our legislators only pass stupid laws, I want to send all my respect to Procurator Haro, Sub Procurator Millan, Delegate Martha and their respective teams. Honestly, you don’t know how hard we all work to rescue Angels like Magic. This is where your money goes...
Les presento a Magic, rescatada por @profepa_mx de una vida miserable como pueden ver. Mientras algunos de nuestros legisladores sólo pasan leyes estupidas, @profepa_mx y nosotros trabajamos durísimo para rescatar a estos Angelitos. Si pueden, sigan a @profepa_mx todo mi respeto al Procurador Haro, al Sub Procurador Millan, al Ing. Joel González, a la Delegada Martha y a sus equipos. GANAMOS.
#QueenMagicBJWT #SaveLions @profepa_mx


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