ダフネ・セルフのインスタグラム(daphneselfe) - 12月16日 20時37分


Timeless Elegance I hope is one of my Trademarks!  Now, I'm in my late eighties with a big birthday coming up next Summer it has even more meaning and significance to me.  I still feel the same inside as I've always felt but the reality is that wrinkles, grey hair and other attributes of being past the bloom of youth have crept in and demand to be embraced whether I like it or not.  These I have to accept and get on with as there's no use worrying about the things that can't be changed.  The things I do have control over are having a healthy and active lifestyle and how I express myself and be true to my character and personality.  I was going to say whilst being...... go to my website (link in my profile) to read further http://www.daphneselfe.com/timeless-elegance/
What works for you?  Do you struggle to find what is right for yourself?  Any comments or tips to add would be most welcome.

If you're looking for Christmas shopping ideas do have a look at my SHOP http://www.daphneselfe.com/shop/ where you can buy vouchers for my Confidence Course (Be Confident - Feel Beautiful) & The Daphne Selfe Modelling Academy Course.


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