増田セバスチャンのインスタグラム(sebastian_masuda) - 12月17日 13時30分

I arrived at Anchorage!!
Tomorrow is my workshop day.
Please join us! ***
?Artist Studio: "Time After Time Capsule" with Sebastian Masuda
?2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17
Join visiting Japanese artist Sebastian Masuda in creating a time capsule. Masuda, a style icon and leader in the “Harajuku Kawaii” art movement, guides participants of all ages to craft messages, which will be preserved as part of this global artwork. Masuda's "Time After Time Capsule," which currently is installed in The Art of Fandom exhibition, has gained international attention, traveling globally from Japan to New York and Amsterdam. Celebrating “Kawaii,” the quality of cute or loveable, the project incorporates icons like Hello Kitty and fantastical, fun and bright materials. All ages are invited to come play and create with Sebastian Masuda as a part of The Art of Fandom exhibition. Free. #sebastianmasuda #timeaftertimecapsule


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