ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 12月21日 03時25分

Re Birth by @lafillebella - upon this holiday season I’m reflecting the gift of life that was given to me by my children. The gift perseverance. The gift of my niece being by my side during the birth of Leo Thames. The gift of @sorellipresents holding me after seeing my child on life-support. The gift of having the means to pay for his open heart surgery. The gift of his choice to stay with us with his brave broken heart that was fixed not only by doctors but by the ones that stir my heart with their every breath. The gift of @ジェシカ・アルバ fighting for me as I held him as his lungs collapsed. The gift my soulmate @カイル・ニューマン Love all through Light and dark. The rewards are greater than that which fills the coffers- those vaults close swiftly to no avail. ✨

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